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City Museum of Edinburgh/Flat, cup and bell weights

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City Museum of Edinburgh
Flat, cup and bell weights

City Museum of Edinburgh/Model of the time ball on Nelson's Monument

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City Museum of Edinburgh
Model of the time ball on Nelson's Monument

Market Street & North Bridge

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Market Street & North Bridge

Governor's House on Calton Hill

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Governor's House on Calton Hill

Edinburgh Meetup at The Tun on Thursday before Uncon/LittleSuz, ConstantWeader

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Edinburgh Meetup at The Tun on Thursday before Uncon
LittleSuz, ConstantWeader

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Edinburgh Meetup at The Tun on Thursday before Uncon

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Edinburgh Meetup at The Tun on Thursday before Uncon

Edinburgh Meetup at The Tun on Thursday before Uncon/rainbow3, verenka

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Edinburgh Meetup at The Tun on Thursday before Uncon
rainbow3, verenka


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Edinburgh Public Lending Library (left)/National Library of Scotland

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Edinburgh Public Lending Library (left)
National Library of Scotland

Edinburgh Castle, as seen from the National Museum of Scotland

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Edinburgh Castle, as seen from the National Museum of Scotland

Juggler in a Kilt

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Juggler in a Kilt

SkyRing, Lyzzybee etc. - preparing the Goodie Bags for Uncon (Smart City Hostel)

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SkyRing, Lyzzybee etc. - preparing the Goodie Bags for Uncon (Smart City Hostel)

MrPPotter, Nell-Lu

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MrPPotter, Nell-Lu

Edinburgh local Author Andrew Wilson reads the ghost story/"The Class of 666"

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Edinburgh local Author Andrew Wilson reads the ghost story
"The Class of 666"

Triggerfish, Kinedi, Katie1980

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Triggerfish, Kinedi, Katie1980

David Johnson, Tigerkeks, Woo Sang

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David Johnson, Tigerkeks, Woo Sang

Kinedi, verenka, Gazza1980

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Kinedi, verenka, Gazza1980

Diomedes and Wistfuldragon

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Diomedes and Wistfuldragon

Nell-Lu signing Wyando's little yellow book - going to have a statistics page at  soon ;-)

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Nell-Lu signing Wyando's little yellow book - going to have a statistics page at http://www.bookcrossers.eu/shelf/ soon ;-)

Fire alarm drill: everyone out! Quite a few left after the incident/Tree-Hugger, LyzzyBee

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Fire alarm drill: everyone out! Quite a few left after the incident
Tree-Hugger, LyzzyBee

Katie1980, Wyando, Gazza1980

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Katie1980, Wyando, Gazza1980


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Roxy4 and Roobarb14 dancing ...

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Roxy4 and Roobarb14 dancing ...

Roxy4, Helod, Gizmopuddy, (KiwiinEngland)

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Roxy4, Helod, Gizmopuddy, (KiwiinEngland)

Roxy4, Helad

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Roxy4, Helad

Gizmopuddy, KiwiinEngland

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Gizmopuddy, KiwiinEngland

Unconvention: Saturday/Book table

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Unconvention: Saturday
Book table

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Katie1980 dispensing the official t-shirts, Gazza1980 making the list for the fire department

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Katie1980 dispensing the official t-shirts, Gazza1980 making the list for the fire department

Author Aline Templeton talks about writing a Persephone preface and her own book series

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Author Aline Templeton talks about writing a Persephone preface and her own book series

Gazza1980 and verenka

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Gazza1980 and verenka

Nell-Lu describes  animated series project (involves reader input for plot and character development!)

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Nell-Lu describes The Lost Book animated series project (involves reader input for plot and character development!)

Rahar109 looking at the Raffle Prizes that Perfect-circle is minding

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Rahar109 looking at the Raffle Prizes that Perfect-circle is minding

Gillian Philip talking about her "Young Adult" fiction

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Gillian Philip talking about her "Young Adult" fiction

Gillian Philip with her editor

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Gillian Philip with her editor

Gillian Philip signing for Roobarb14

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Gillian Philip signing for Roobarb14

/?, Tree-Hugger, Nu-Knees, Nell-Lu, KiwiinEngland, GingerGeoff, TheGreenMan, ? (Lynn)

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?, Tree-Hugger, Nu-Knees, Nell-Lu, KiwiinEngland, GingerGeoff, TheGreenMan, ? (Lynn)

verenka winning on the raffle - again!

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verenka winning on the raffle - again!


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MissMarkey and Skyring

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MissMarkey and Skyring

last minute bookmark scavenging/Wyando, ?, Kinedi

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last minute bookmark scavenging
Wyando, ?, Kinedi

Scott's Monument 1

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Scott's Monument 1

Scott's Monument 2

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Scott's Monument 2

The Plaid Piper. Just couldn't resist the Edinburgh stereotype ...

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The Plaid Piper. Just couldn't resist the Edinburgh stereotype ...

SkyRing and KiwiinEngland parting to different restaurants: "we'll always have Paris!"

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SkyRing and KiwiinEngland parting to different restaurants: "we'll always have Paris!"

Dinner at Henderson's vegetarian restaurant: regal verenka on the throne

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Dinner at Henderson's vegetarian restaurant: regal verenka on the throne

Nell-Lu, kiwiinengland, verenka

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Nell-Lu, kiwiinengland, verenka

After Sunday dinner at Henderson's: Nell-Lu, KiwiinEngland, verenka

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After Sunday dinner at Henderson's: Nell-Lu, KiwiinEngland, verenka

On the Way to the Disco/Beehive Pub/Disco: Wyando, verenka

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On the Way to the Disco/Beehive Pub/Disco: Wyando, verenka

Third evening at The Beehive Pub: inkognitoh, Helod

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Third evening at The Beehive Pub: inkognitoh, Helod

In the disco: Gizmopuddy, Helod, Roxy4, (verenka)

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In the disco: Gizmopuddy, Helod, Roxy4, (verenka)

In the disco: Roxy4, verenka

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In the disco: Roxy4, verenka

In the disco: Helod

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In the disco: Helod

In the disco: Wyando

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In the disco: Wyando

In the disco: Wyando

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In the disco: Wyando

Going home from the disco - at 3:17 am it's already getting light!

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Going home from the disco - at 3:17 am it's already getting light!

Ad for the

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Ad for the Literary Pub Crawl

Before the release walk: verenka finishing her last release bags, LyzzyBee

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Before the release walk: verenka finishing her last release bags, LyzzyBee

Before the Release walk: ?, LittleSuz, ?, GingerGeoff

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Before the Release walk: ?, LittleSuz, ?, GingerGeoff

Release walk: Gazzo1980, (KiwiinEngland)

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Release walk: Gazzo1980, (KiwiinEngland)

Release Walk - MissMarkey is quite taken with the officer's catch

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Release Walk - MissMarkey is quite taken with the officer's catch

Release walk station near Edinburgh Castle

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Release walk station near Edinburgh Castle

Release Walk: outsiders considering (then leaving) one of the books

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Release Walk: outsiders considering (then leaving) one of the books

The Chinese restaurant where J. K. Rowling wrote part of The Philosopher's Stone, ...

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The Chinese restaurant where J. K. Rowling wrote part of The Philosopher's Stone, ...

... there is also a small plaque./Background: Allan Foster of  fame/across the street the flat where "pad poet" William McGonagall died, just a few blocks from Potter Street - probably not a coincidence

(68. /or/ex lightbox)

... there is also a small plaque.
Background: Allan Foster of literary tour fame
across the street the flat where "pad poet" William McGonagall died, just a few blocks from Potter Street - probably not a coincidence

Plaque in honour of Robert Lois Stevenson/vista up Nicolson Street

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Plaque in honour of Robert Lois Stevenson
vista up Nicolson Street

for my sister Magdalena who loves both elephants and bagels

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for my sister Magdalena who loves both elephants and bagels

Near the place where Robert Burns exchanged passionate letters with Agnes 'Nancy' McLehose under the Synonyms of Sylvander and Clarinda/actually I liked the bright lighting of the church spire

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Near the place where Robert Burns exchanged passionate letters with Agnes 'Nancy' McLehose under the Synonyms of Sylvander and Clarinda
actually I liked the bright lighting of the church spire

George Square, where Sir Arthur Conan Doyle lived

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George Square, where Sir Arthur Conan Doyle lived

Plateau in Edinburgh near George square, where he lived: model for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Lost World?

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Plateau in Edinburgh near George square, where he lived: model for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Lost World?

View from the New Town (I think?) up Calton Hill towards the National Monument and Nelson's Monument

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View from the New Town (I think?) up Calton Hill towards the National Monument and Nelson's Monument

couldn't resist the beautiful color. in Austria they are grass green (from an aesthetic point of view I prefer the bright red wastepaper recycling bins)

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couldn't resist the beautiful color. in Austria they are grass green (from an aesthetic point of view I prefer the bright red wastepaper recycling bins)

CD from the )

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CD from the Literary Pub Crawl
by Allan Foster (also see this BookCrossing forum post)

Panorama of Edinburgh from Arthur's seat/70 mm, 38 exposures, fixed f/t (still some pics looked different)/stitched using Hugin/Nona/Enblend

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Panorama of Edinburgh from Arthur's seat
70 mm, 38 exposures, fixed f/t (still some pics looked different)
stitched using Hugin/Nona/Enblend

V. with deep-fried Mars bar

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V. with deep-fried Mars bar

Gallery of Modern Art/Henry Moore/Reclining Figure 1951

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Gallery of Modern Art
Henry Moore
Reclining Figure 1951

Gallery of Modern Art

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Gallery of Modern Art

Despite its being in the Museum of Modern Art it's not an official Ready Made, I just couldn't resist the name

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Despite its being in the Museum of Modern Art it's not an official Ready Made, I just couldn't resist the name

Hole In The Wall. "M. says it all the time" - "Just rub it in that I've never had a relationship with a Brit!"

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Hole In The Wall. "M. says it all the time" - "Just rub it in that I've never had a relationship with a Brit!"


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All the art in Smart City Hostels Edinburgh is by the same artist, itherwise it's quite nice

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All the art in Smart City Hostels Edinburgh is by the same artist, itherwise it's quite nice

Scottish Parliament from half height of Arthur's seat

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Scottish Parliament from half height of Arthur's seat

Edinburgh Castle as seen from Arthur's Seat

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Edinburgh Castle as seen from Arthur's Seat

Scottish Parliament as seen from Arthur's Seat

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Scottish Parliament as seen from Arthur's Seat

The Palace as seen from Arthur's Seat

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The Palace as seen from Arthur's Seat

The Tun

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The Tun


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Scottish Parliament - Session Chamber

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Scottish Parliament - Session Chamber

ornamental chairs

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ornamental chairs

Arthur's seat from parliament building/grass roof

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Arthur's seat from parliament building
grass roof

(Programmable) electronic bagpipes

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(Programmable) electronic bagpipes

Writers' Museum with quotes

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Writers' Museum with quotes

Whisky miniatures

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Whisky miniatures

locked unlock up
- ../2004 12 seyfrieds - ../2005 - ../2006 - ../2007 03 franz - ../2007 03 magdalena - ../2007 04 angie - ../2007 04 gartenfest la - ../2007 04 seyfrieds ostern - ../2007 07 15 seyfrieds - ../2007 08 familienfest kk - ../2008 02 luise - ../2008 05 padova venezia - ../2008 06 22 euro it es - ../2008 07 bratislava - ../2008 09 mike s farewell - ../2008 10 18 flexcafe - ../2008 12 13 seyfrieds - ../2008 12 21 ulrike - ../2008 12 weihnachten - ../2009 01 herta 70 - ../2009 02 13 haydamaky ostklub wien - ../2009 02 bratislava - ../2009 03 28 seyfrieds - ../2009 03 budapest buddynetwork - ../2009 03 magdalena suedtirol - ../2009 04 06 seyfrieds - ../2009 04 sevilla - ../2009 05 bookcrossing wien einstein - ../2009 05 grillfest roman sybille - ../2009 07 uncon edinburgh - ../2009 12 13 mgv gmuend rathaus wien - ../2010 02 ostklub aquarium - ../2011 09 venezia biennale - ../2012 - ../2012 08 bratislava - ../2013 09 prag - ../2015 05 livia elton - ../2015 06 regenbogenparade - ../2015 06 reingers - ../2015 09 venezia biennale - ../2016 03 berne - ../2016 05 essl museum - ../2016 07 barcelona - ../2017 06 regenbogenparade - ../2017 12 prag - ../2018 02 luise - ../2018 12 02 riesenrad - ../2018 roma - ../2019 06 london - ../2019 pride - ../2020 09 schneebergdoerfl - ../2023 24 hamburg - ../images new