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Nussbrot, Roggenbrot/(Sauerteig)/

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Nussbrot, Roggenbrot

1 kg whole meal wheat flour/1 kg whole meal rye flour/400 g blanched almonds/200 g walnuts/400 g skinned hazelnuts/400 g mini figs/~ 300 g raisins/~ 150 g dried apples/rye leaven from the week before (no yeast *proud*)/spices (salt, cumin, koriander, cinnamon and ginger to taste)/leaven left to ferment with rye and water overnight, after taking away a portion for the next week wheat is kneaded in with water, left to ferment until it drips over the border of the kneading basin (Weidling)./all the dried fruit and nuts are worked into the dough, except for the almonds, which are supposed to stick to the outside - it more or less worked to put half in the pan liner and sprinkle the other half on top./bake at 200 o C for 120 mins

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