(73. /ex lightbox)
TODO: look up author; contrast?
20 % of Reasons not to be here
- invisibility is resistance
- not to decorate the gardens of the white male
- because jan verwoert said: "forget the national." and we like hime
- venice biennale = showroom of the western hegemony
- guilt
- not to jeopardize our place on the barricades
- art = revolution = spectacle = capital
- because we are 1 communist + 1 socialist feminist
- antinomadism
- venice biennale is a choking-on-money mercantilist fossil
- the zoo effect
- we have nothing to wear for the opening
- it's easier to criticize a show when you're not in it
- the curse of boosted expectations (2nd novel syndrome)
- to keep off who's hot and who's not
- tourist menu sucks
- to make art the way we feel, without considering its potential to succeed
On the wall of the Romainan Pavillon
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