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E-Mail: die beruhigende, zwischen synchroner und asynchroner Kommunikation angesiedelte Versicherung, dass auf der Gegenseite ein intelligentes Wesen des/der AdressatIn eingedenk und zum Austausch weltbewegender Trivialitaeten emotional und intellektuell geruestet ist. Wegen Schmalbandigkeit, zu geringer Synchronizitaet und Verringerung der Treffsicherheit durch nicht zielgerichtete Querschlaeger ausgestorben.

SS: Marshall McLuhan was the first to point out that some media are "hot" and some are "cool" - that is, a hot medium has wide bandwidth and a cool medium has narrow bandwidth. This is significant because when we participate in a narrow bandwidth we actually engage more deeply in certain ways. This has been what has interested me on the Net, or in my work with phone-sex workers: people are forced to construct a more complex, satisfying interaction out of the limited materials supplied. This makes a cool medium more participatory than a hot one. In narrow-bandwidth communication, in fact, the interpretive faculties of one participant or another are often powerfully, even obsessively engaged.