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locked unlock up
- ../2005 02 upgrade von mutters ibook - ../2005 09 powerbook hinge - ../802 3 transceivers - ../bauknecht wa9940 - ../d70 afd80-200 - ../d70 dis - ../kapsch viennastar 600 - ../tuerfalz

The outcome was that I ordered a replacement hinge (in fact a set of 2, original replacement unit from Apple made of steel instead of the incredibly fragile Al-Mg alloy) via an eBay store. The price was not low (>USD 100) but obviously better than having to replace the notebook ... as of yet (12/2005) it works fine, I am using it to type this ;)

Update 4/2006: Now the other hinge also gave up, I had to replace it (noticing that the second replacement seems to have been a left side, too, so I had to cut off a "nose") and the powerbook has that theft-proof "Frankenstein" look ... it still works, though, but I should do something about the display case bulging out at the corners

Update 2008: the frame now has cracks in two places - the hinge still works, but overall the Powerbook is now too fragile to carry around, so it mostly gathers dust as it's a bit loud for a workstation.

broken ti powerbook g4 (867) left hinge (from user perspective, opposite power cord)/public

(1. /or/ex lightbox)

broken ti powerbook g4 (867) left hinge (from user perspective, opposite power cord)

pb g4 without hinge, not professionally opened. google for hinges, kits and repair guides (you can save on those though, they just tell you to pry open the epoxied frame)/public

(2. /or/ex lightbox)

pb g4 without hinge, not professionally opened. google for hinges, kits and repair guides (you can save on those though, they just tell you to pry open the epoxied frame)

locked unlock up
- ../2005 02 upgrade von mutters ibook - ../2005 09 powerbook hinge - ../802 3 transceivers - ../bauknecht wa9940 - ../d70 afd80-200 - ../d70 dis - ../kapsch viennastar 600 - ../tuerfalz