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mostly no useful information

links as recovery to sysadmins

  1. Doom for system administration home page - kill pids in 3d, hits renice
  2. SFGate description of sysadmins
  3. Zen and the Art of Sysadmin, or Greg Wheatelys methods of dealing with lusers. Extraordinarily illuminating these instructions prove.
  4. Jonathan Chin's ASR-/BOFH t-shirts
  5. Important unix manpages, including the lart subsystem man pages
  6. thanks to Gerd Knorr (kraxel "at" this important system resource is also available in rpm form
  7. more important man pages (by Eric L. Peterson) and other recreational ressources for sysadmins eg. get larted by Simon Travaglia, the BOFH, particularly in the new Network Weekly episodes (mirrors: other us) and the new Dr BOFH's medical judgment, an important FAQ for BOFHen
  8. Helen, sweetheart of the internet. (counting links gif viewer script)
  9. SysAdmin Pricelist
  10. SysAdmin dress code
  11. the asr Coats of Arms (sp?)
  12. Memorable ASR Quotes (original Version by Paul Tomblin at Memorable ASR Quotes
  13. Luser Classification Chart from ASR by Andreas "Buzh" Skau