\documentclass[12pt]{article} % % Doug Nychka's LaTeX template (8/13/2004). To create a pdf file from this %use pdflatex % % if you read one more comment read the one that starts with *********** % % \nofiles % Suppress all those pesky files! % include some color support (see examples below) \usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{color} % % set background color \definecolor{Fcolor}{rgb}{.1,.1,.1} % A cool manila \definecolor{Pcolor}{rgb}{1,1,1} % A cool manila \pagecolor{Pcolor} % see the Tex files associated with dvipsnames % for some predefined colors. % % this little style file allows you to % step through a page adding items % \usepackage{german} \usepackage{isolatin1} \usepackage{pause} % % include a graphics package for importing figures % \usepackage{graphicx} % % this nice package supports pdf, png, and jpeg in pdflatex %( but just eps for latex) % png and jpg formats for images are particularly efficient. % In R use the pdf/png function to create a pdf/png graphics file. % If you have a ps file in UNIX use convert foo.ps foo.pdf % to make it into a pdf version % % If the postscript file has too much white space around it % use ps2epsi foo.ps ; epstopdf foo.eps foo.pdf to shrink wrap the figure % % or use the utility xv to crop images manually. % % %******* The magic of pdflatex, % These options give information to the acrobat viewer for displaying. % Use % pdflatex example.tex % to create example.pdf for viewing ( e.g. acroread example.pdf) % if you comment out the next two lines you can just use latex to make the % usual kind of dvi or postscript output. But you will have to use % postscript figures instead of pdf ones. % \RequirePackage[pdftex,pdfpagemode=none, pdftoolbar=true, pdffitwindow=true,pdfcenterwindow=true]{hyperref} % % change these to suit! Margins assume an inch as default % \setlength{\paperheight}{7in} \setlength{\paperwidth}{9in} \setlength{\textheight}{6.75in} \setlength{\textwidth}{7.5in} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{-.75in} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-.75in} \setlength{\topmargin}{-.75in} \setlength{\parskip}{.125in} \setlength{\parindent}{0in} % % % set background color \definecolor{Pcolor}{rgb}{1,1,1} % A rosy manila \pagecolor{Pcolor} % Define heading color. \definecolor{Hcolor}{rgb}{.3,.3,.3} % my heading color % % these are my basic page headings % note how the color is set % \def\mytitle#1{{\color{Hcolor}{\it \LARGE #1}\\ }} \def\MYTITLE#1{{\color{Hcolor}{\huge #1}\\ \rule[.15in]{\textwidth}{.03in} }} \def\myTITLE#1{{\color{Hcolor}{\huge #1}\\}} % just to make the math work, everyone does this differently ... \newcommand{\BLD}[1]{\mbox{\boldmath $#1$}} % low tech way to start a new ``slide'' and add a background image % This has been tuned to the aspect paper sizes declared above. \newcommand{\emptyBS}{ \newpage \vspace*{-1in} \hspace*{-.5in} %\includegraphics[height=\paperheight, % width=\paperwidth]{dia0231_med.jpg} % old fire %\vspace*{-\paperheight} \vspace*{.5in} %\hspace*{-\paperwidth} } \newcommand{\BS}{ \newpage \vspace*{-1in} % \hspace*{-.5in} {\begin{center} Sex and Gender in Cardiology \end{center} } %\includegraphics[height=\paperheight, % width=\paperwidth]{dia0230_back.jpg} % old fire %\vspace*{-\paperheight} \vspace*{.5in} %\hspace*{-\paperwidth} } % uncomment this version for just a new page and no background image. % note that you still get a background color from setting \pagecolor above %\newcommand{\BS}{ \newpage} \begin{document} \hypertarget{start}{} %%%%%%%%%%% {\color{Black} %begin default text color %{\color{White} %begin default text color {\LARGE % fault is LARGE size font { \sf % default face is sans serif %%%%%%%%%%%% %\vspace*{-1in} %\hspace*{-.5in} %\includegraphics[height=\paperheight, % width=\paperwidth]{dia0230_back.jpg} % old fire %\vspace*{-\paperheight} %\vspace*{.5in} %\hspace*{-\paperwidth} \emptyBS \MYTITLE{Sex and Gender in Cardiology} 901620 Geschlechtsspezifische Aspekte von Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen\\ cand. med. Alexander \"Olzant, Medical University of Vienna, 9301547\\ %%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \vspace*{.5in} % adjust this to makes things fit nicely \begin{enumerate} \item Introduction - terms: sex, gender, and medicine \item Results - 3 example publications \item Conclusions - outlook \end{enumerate} \BS \MYTITLE{Introduction - Glossary} {\bfseries\sffamily Sex:} biologically determined, but still culturally discursive (external Genitalia, genetic markers, hormonal make-up) {\bfseries\sffamily Gender:} in cultural studies: dependent on social interaction, reflective manifestation (I treat you as male/you treat me as female) - {\itshape\sffamily tertium non datur}: socially only male/female accepted, nothing outside {\bfseries\sffamily Medicine:} is a positivistic science ($\rightarrow$ EBM), therefore cannot follow the gender discourse of the social/cultural sciences (however, medicine as ais in itself discursively \BS \MYTITLE{Results 1/3 - A matter of life and breath: childhood socioeconomic status is related to young adult pulmonary function in the CARDIA study. } Jackson, B/Kubzansky, LD/Cohen, S/Weiss, S/Wright, RJ {\it Int J Epidemiol.} 33 Apr 2004, Nr. 2, 271-8 \begin{itemize} \item Socioeconomic Status (SES), Gender $\rightarrow$ pulmonary function \item SES measured by education of parents: sorrogate marker \item Rationale: Gender as social function like SES, not independent variable \end{itemize} \BS \MYTITLE{Results 2/3 - Lori Mosca's Evidence-Based Guidelines for Cardiovascular Disease Preention in Women } \begin{itemize} \item EBM data \item No psychological or social parameters evaluated - gender as independent variable \item Physiological studies - but what are the determinants? \end{itemize} \BS \MYTITLE{Results 3/3 - Diploma Thesis: Geschlechtsrelevante Merkmale Alkoholabh\"angiger in Bezug auf die einzelnen Items der Typologie nach Lesch. Medizinische Universit\"at Wien, 2006 } Verena Altmann \begin{itemize} \item Sorts drinkers into 4 categories \item {\color{red} Men}: mostly Type IV (`cerebral damage') \item {\color{green} Women}: more in Type III (`social drinker') \item No explanation, though findings concur with other papers \end{itemize} \BS \MYTITLE{Conclusions - Good Practice} \begin{itemize} \item ``sex differences'' used for merely biological variables \item ``gender differences'' used for {\color{red} combined social and biological influences} \item $\rightarrow$ No differentiation, so virtually all papers labelled ``gender'' \end{itemize} \pause \vspace*{-.1in} \MYTITLE{Further Studies} \vspace*{-.3in} \begin{itemize} \item Effects of socialisation and reflective gender manifestation \item Differences in time management, education and access to health care within and between genders \end{itemize} }% end LARGE font block } % end of bold face block } % end default text color block \end{document}